delphi - Setting IHTMLDocument2 to nil (or FreeAndNil) causes Access violation -

i have system using ihtmldocument2 work html received idhttp, far good, problem depending on version of windows + version of internet explorer + other detail have not figured out, because mistakes not understand why happens. example, create:

var   idoc : ihtmldocument2; begin   idoc := createcomobject(class_htmldocument) ihtmldocument2;   //work html... end; 

the problem @ end, see forms , errors, if this:

idoc := nil; 

get error

access violation @ address 000007fee4cff3e1 in module 'jscript9.dll'. read of address ffffffffffffff.. 

this error not occur cancel idoc, moments later (do not know when, not view debug)

if this:


get error

access violation @ address 0000000000000000 in module 'program.exe'. execution of address 0000000000000000 

this error occurs @ point.

and if nothing, or: = nil or freeandnil (). have error of dll 'jscript9.dll'

the problem in machines work in way , others way, have 2 windows same configuration , same version of internet explorer, in machine have use "idoc: = nil;" , other "freeandnil (idoc)" function without errors, wanted know why happens, because wanted follow pattern work on version of windows , internet explorer.

test unit:

unit f_prin;  interface  uses, winapi.messages, system.sysutils, system.variants, system.classes,,   vcl.controls, vcl.forms, vcl.dialogs, comobj, vcl.stdctrls, mshtml, winapi.activex,   vcl.grids;  type   tform1 = class(tform)     button1: tbutton;     memo1: tmemo;     radiobutton1: tradiobutton;     radiobutton2: tradiobutton;     radiobutton3: tradiobutton;     stringgrid1: tstringgrid;     button2: tbutton;     button3: tbutton;     procedure button1click(sender: tobject);     procedure button2click(sender: tobject);     procedure button3click(sender: tobject);   private     { private declarations }     function pegaconteudofuncaojs(str, nomefunc : string) : string;     function urlencodemj(s : string) : string;   public     { public declarations }   end;  var   form1: tform1;  implementation  {$r *.dfm}  function urlencode(const asrc: string): string; var   i: integer; const   unsafechars = ['*', '#', '%', '<', '>', ' ','[',']'];  {do not localize} begin   result := '';    {do not localize}   := 1 length(asrc)   begin     if (asrc[i] in unsafechars) or (not (ord(asrc[i])in [33..128]))     begin {do not localize}       result := result + '%' + inttohex(ord(asrc[i]), 2);  {do not localize}     end     else     begin       result := result + asrc[i];     end;   end; end;   function tform1.urlencodemj(s : string) : string; begin   result := urlencode(s);   result := stringreplace(result, '&amp;', '&', [rfreplaceall]); end;  procedure tform1.button2click(sender: tobject); begin   stringgrid1.colcount := 1;   stringgrid1.rowcount := 1; end;  procedure tform1.button3click(sender: tobject); const   ieversion : integer = 9; //get ie version var  ovtable, v : olevariant;  i, j, q, ncol,  nrow : integer;  mat : array of array of string;  stemp : string;  btemreg, bsai : boolean;  //wbt : twebbrowser;  idoc2 : ihtmldocument2; begin   ncol := 0;  nrow := 0;  btemreg := false;  := 0;  j := 0;  q := 0;  bsai := false;  try  idoc2 := createcomobject(class_htmldocument) ihtmldocument2;  idoc2.designmode := 'on';   if ieversion < 9   while idoc2.readystate <> 'complete'      application.processmessages;   v := vararraycreate([0, 0], varvariant);  v[0] := memo1.text;  idoc2.write(psafearray(system.tvardata(v).varray));  idoc2.designmode := 'off';   if ieversion < 9   while idoc2.readystate <> 'complete'      application.processmessages;   q := 0 (idoc2.all.tags('table') ihtmlelementcollection).length -1     begin       ovtable := (idoc2.all.tags('table') ihtmlelementcollection).item(q, 0);        := 0 (ovtable.rows.length - 1)         begin           j := 0 (ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.length - 1)             begin               stemp := trimright(trimleft(ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(j).innertext));               if (stemp = 'prova') = true                  begin                   bsai := true;                   break;                  end;             end;             if bsai = true               break;         end;       if bsai = true         break;     end;  if bsai = false //não achou...    begin     if radiobutton2.checked = true        freeandnil(idoc2);      if radiobutton1.checked = true        idoc2 := nil;       exit;    end;    if radiobutton2.checked = true      freeandnil(idoc2);    if radiobutton1.checked = true      idoc2 := nil;    nrow := ovtable.rows.length;   stringgrid1.rowcount := nrow;   setlength(mat, nrow);    ncol := 7;   stringgrid1.colcount := ncol+1;   := 0 nrow - 1      setlength(mat[i], ncol+1);  := 0 (nrow - 1)   begin    if = 0 //linha 0 = nome dos campos       begin         stemp := 'lances';         mat[i, 0] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(1).innertext;         mat[i, 1] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(2).innertext;         mat[i, 2] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(3).innertext;         mat[i, 3] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(4).innertext;         mat[i, 4] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(5).innertext;         mat[i, 5] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(6).innertext;         mat[i, 6] := stemp;         stemp := 'link person';         mat[i, 7] := stemp;       end     else       begin         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(0).innertext;         mat[i, 0] := stemp;         if ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.length > 1 //tem registros            begin             btemreg := true;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(1).innertext;             mat[i, 1] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(2).innertext;             mat[i, 2] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(3).innertext;             mat[i, 3] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(4).innertext;             mat[i, 4] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(5).innertext;             mat[i, 5] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(6).innertext;             mat[i, 6] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(0).innerhtml;            stemp := pegaconteudofuncaojs(stemp, '');            stemp := copy(stemp, 0, pos(',', stemp)-1);            stemp := stemp.replace('''', '', [rfreplaceall]);            stemp := urlencodemj(stemp);            mat[i, 7] := stemp;            end;       end;//end if linha = 0   end;//end (geral)    := 0 (nrow - 1)    begin     j := 0 (length(mat[i]) - 1)       begin        stringgrid1.cells[j, i] := mat[i, j];       end;    end;  application.processmessages;     except     on e: exception       begin         if radiobutton2.checked = true            freeandnil(idoc2);          if radiobutton1.checked = true            idoc2 := nil;       end;   end; end;  function tform1.pegaconteudofuncaojs(str, nomefunc : string) : string; var  stemp : string; begin  stemp := copy(str, pos(nomefunc+'(', str) + (length(nomefunc)+1), length(str));  stemp := copy(stemp, 0, pos(')', stemp) - 1);  result := stemp; end;   procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); const   ieversion : integer = 9; //get ie version var  ovtable, v : olevariant;  i, j, q, ncol,  nrow : integer;  mat : array of array of string;  stemp : string;  btemreg, bsai : boolean;  //wbt : twebbrowser;  idoc : ihtmldocument2; begin   ncol := 0;  nrow := 0;  btemreg := false;  := 0;  j := 0;  q := 0;  bsai := false;  try  idoc := createcomobject(class_htmldocument) ihtmldocument2;  idoc.designmode := 'on';   if ieversion < 9   while idoc.readystate <> 'complete'      application.processmessages;   v := vararraycreate([0, 0], varvariant);  v[0] := memo1.text;  idoc.write(psafearray(system.tvardata(v).varray));  idoc.designmode := 'off';   if ieversion < 9   while idoc.readystate <> 'complete'      application.processmessages;   q := 0 (idoc.all.tags('table') ihtmlelementcollection).length -1     begin       ovtable := (idoc.all.tags('table') ihtmlelementcollection).item(q, 0);        := 0 (ovtable.rows.length - 1)         begin           j := 0 (ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.length - 1)             begin               stemp := trimright(trimleft(ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(j).innertext));               if (stemp = 'prova') = true                  begin                   bsai := true;                   break;                  end;             end;             if bsai = true               break;         end;       if bsai = true         break;     end;  if bsai = false //não achou...    begin     if radiobutton2.checked = true        freeandnil(idoc);      if radiobutton1.checked = true        idoc := nil;       exit;    end;    if radiobutton2.checked = true      freeandnil(idoc);    if radiobutton1.checked = true      idoc := nil;    nrow := ovtable.rows.length;   stringgrid1.rowcount := nrow;   setlength(mat, nrow);    ncol := 7;   stringgrid1.colcount := ncol+1;   := 0 nrow - 1      setlength(mat[i], ncol+1);  := 0 (nrow - 1)   begin    if = 0 //linha 0 = nome dos campos       begin         stemp := 'lances';         mat[i, 0] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(1).innertext;         mat[i, 1] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(2).innertext;         mat[i, 2] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(3).innertext;         mat[i, 3] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(4).innertext;         mat[i, 4] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(5).innertext;         mat[i, 5] := stemp;         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(6).innertext;         mat[i, 6] := stemp;         stemp := 'link person';         mat[i, 7] := stemp;       end     else       begin         stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(0).innertext;         mat[i, 0] := stemp;         if ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.length > 1 //tem registros            begin             btemreg := true;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(1).innertext;             mat[i, 1] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(2).innertext;             mat[i, 2] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(3).innertext;             mat[i, 3] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(4).innertext;             mat[i, 4] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(5).innertext;             mat[i, 5] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(6).innertext;             mat[i, 6] := stemp;             stemp := ovtable.rows.item(i).cells.item(0).innerhtml;            stemp := pegaconteudofuncaojs(stemp, '');            stemp := copy(stemp, 0, pos(',', stemp)-1);            stemp := stemp.replace('''', '', [rfreplaceall]);            stemp := urlencodemj(stemp);            mat[i, 7] := stemp;            end;       end;//end if linha = 0   end;//end (geral)    := 0 (nrow - 1)    begin     j := 0 (length(mat[i]) - 1)       begin        stringgrid1.cells[j, i] := mat[i, j];       end;    end;  application.processmessages;     except     on e: exception       begin         if radiobutton2.checked = true            freeandnil(idoc);          if radiobutton1.checked = true            idoc := nil;       end;   end; end;  end. 


object form1: tform1   left = 0   top = 0   caption = 'form1'   clientheight = 583   clientwidth = 635   color = clbtnface   font.charset = default_charset   font.color = clwindowtext   font.height = -11 = 'tahoma' = []   oldcreateorder = false   pixelsperinch = 96   textheight = 13   object button1: tbutton     left = 278     top = 256     width = 75     height = 25     caption = 'test 1'     taborder = 0     onclick = button1click   end   object memo1: tmemo     left = 0     top = 0     width = 635     height = 225     align = altop     lines.strings = (       '<html>'       '<head>'       '<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">'       '<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="private">'       '<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">'       '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600; url=lsd.asp">'          '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-' +         '8859-1">'          '<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../imagens/style1.css" type="tex' +         't/css">'       '<script language="javascript">'       '<!--'          'function mm_reloadpage(init) {  //updated pvii. reloads w' +         'indow if nav4 resized'          '  if (init==true) (navigator) {if ((appname=="netscape")&&(' +         'parseint(appversion)==4)) {'          '    document.mm_pgw=innerwidth; document.mm_pgh=innerheight; onr' +         'esize=mm_reloadpage; }}'          '  else if (innerwidth!=document.mm_pgw || innerheight!=document.' +         'mm_pgh) location.reload();'       '}'       'mm_reloadpage(true);'       '//-->'       '</script>'       '</head>'          '<body onload="setmousecursortohand('#39'type'#39','#39'button'#39');" bgcolor="#' +         'ffffff" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" '       'marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" '       'class="body_1">'          '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../../' +         'imagens/action.js"></script>'       '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" 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src="../../imagens/tm_bullet4.gif" width="6" height="14" /></' +         'td>'          '                    <td class="tex3">clique para ver detalhes</t' +         'd>'       '                  </tr>'       '                  <tr> '          '                    <td valign="top" align="right" width="23"><i' +         'mg src="../../imagens/tm_bullet4.gif" width="6" height="14" /></' +         'td>'       '                    <td class="tex3">aten'#195#167#195#163'o!<br /></td>'       '                  </tr>'       '                  <tr> '          '                    <td valign="top" align="right" width="23">&n' +         'bsp;</td>'       '                    <td class="tex3b">'          '                        <table border="0" width="100%" class="td' +         '" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">'       '<tr>'       '<td></td>'       '<td class="tex3b" align="center">prova</td>'       '<td align="center" class="tex3b" nowrap="nowrap">cod.</td>'       '<td align="center" class="tex3b" nowrap="nowrap">empresa</td>'       '<td align="center" class="tex3b">data abertura</td>'       '<td align="center" class="tex3b">jjo</td>'       '<td align="center" class="tex3b">plo</td>'       '<td></td>'       '</tr>'       '<tr>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'          '<a href="#" onclick="'#39'gerencia_sdf.asp?pr' +         'gcod=545686&amp;numprp=492015&amp;indsrp=n'#195       #163'o&amp;indicms=n'#195       #163'o&amp;cns=true'#39','       ''       #9'   '          #39#39','#39'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,s' +         'crollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,top=0,left=0, '       'width=750, '       'height=550'#39');return '       '       false;">item</a>'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'          '<a href="#" onclick="'#39'detalhe_prop.asp?pr' +         'gcod=545686'#39', '          '        '#39'detalhe_proposta'#39','#39'maximized=yes, screenx=250, screeny=' +         '0, '          'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrol' +         'lbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=550,height'       '=400'#39');return '       '        false;">492015</a>'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'       '925217'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3" align="center">'       'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'       '15/05/2015 11:00'       '</td>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">n&atilde;o</t' +         'd>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">n&atilde;o</t' +         'd>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3" align="center" />'       '</tr>'       ''       '<tr>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'          '<a href="#" onclick="'#39'gerencia_sdf.asp?pr' +         'gcod=545686&amp;numprp=492015&amp;indsrp=n'#195       #163'o&amp;indicms=n'#195       #163'o&amp;cns=true'#39','       #9'   '          #39#39','#39'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,s' +         'crollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,top=0,left=0, '       'width=750, '       'height=550'#39');return '       '       false;">item</a>'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'          '<a href="#" onclick="'#39'detalhe_prop.asp?pr' +         'gcod=545686'#39', '          '        '#39'detalhe_proposta'#39','#39'maximized=yes, screenx=250, screeny=' +         '0, '          'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrol' +         'lbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=550,height'       '=400'#39');return '       '        false;">445665</a>'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'       '845645'       '</td>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3" align="center"> ooooooooooooo' +         'ooooooooooo'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'       '15/05/2015 11:00'       '</td>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">n&atilde;o</t' +         'd>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">n&atilde;o</t' +         'd>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3" align="center" />'       '</tr>'       ''       ''       '<tr>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'          '<a href="#" onclick="'#39'gerencia_fsdf.asp?p' +         'rgcod=545686&amp;numprp=492015&amp;indsrp=n'#195       #163'o&amp;indicms=n'#195       #163'o&amp;cns=true'#39','       #9'   '          #39#39','#39'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,s' +         'crollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,top=0,left=0, '       'width=750, '       'height=550'#39');return '       '       false;">item</a>'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'          '<a href="#" onclick="'#39'detalhe_prop.asp?pr' +         'gcod=545686'#39', '          '        '#39'detalhe_proposta'#39','#39'maximized=yes, screenx=250, screeny=' +         '0, '          'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrol' +         'lbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=550,height'       '=400'#39');return '       '        false;">412345</a>'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'       '785455'       '</td>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3" align="center"> kkkkkkkkkkkkk' +         'kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'       '15/05/2015 11:00'       '</td>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">n&atilde;o</t' +         'd>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">n&atilde;o</t' +         'd>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3" align="center" />'       '</tr>'       ''       ''       '<tr>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'          '<a href="#" onclick="'#39'gerencia_fsdf.asp?p' +         'rgcod=545686&amp;numprp=492015&amp;indsrp=n'#195       #163'o&amp;indicms=n'#195       #163'o&amp;cns=true'#39','       #9'   '          #39#39','#39'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,s' +         'crollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,top=0,left=0, '       'width=750, '       'height=550'#39');return '       '       false;">item</a>'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'          '<a href="#" onclick="'#39'detalhe_prop.asp?pr' +         'gcod=545686'#39', '          '        '#39'detalhe_proposta'#39','#39'maximized=yes, screenx=250, screeny=' +         '0, '          'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrol' +         'lbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=550,height'       '=400'#39');return '       '        false;">498745</a>'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'       '312456'       '</td>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3" align="center"> ppppppppppppp' +         'pppppppppppppppp'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">'       '15/05/2015 11:00'       '</td>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center"> n&atilde;o'       '</td>'          '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3a" align="center">n&atilde;o</t' +         'd>'       '<td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tex3" align="center" />'       '</tr>'       ''       '</table>'       ''       #9#9'            </td>'       '                  <tr> '       '                    <td></td>                            '       '                    <td><br />'          '                        <input type="button" name="voltar" value' +         '="voltar" class="texfield2" '       'onclick="location.href='#39'pregao1.asp'#39';return false;" />'       '                    </td>'       '                  </tr>'       '             </table>'#9#9#9       '         </td>'       '    </tr>'       '</table>'       ''       '</body>'       '</html>')     taborder = 1   end   object radiobutton1: tradiobutton     left = 14     top = 261     width = 51     height = 17     caption = ':= nil'     checked = true     taborder = 2     tabstop = true   end   object radiobutton2: tradiobutton     left = 70     top = 261     width = 88     height = 17     caption = 'freeandnil()'     taborder = 3   end   object radiobutton3: tradiobutton     left = 166     top = 261     width = 57     height = 17     caption = 'nothing'     taborder = 4   end   object stringgrid1: tstringgrid     left = 0     top = 312     width = 635     height = 271     align = albottom     taborder = 5   end   object button2: tbutton     left = 552     top = 256     width = 75     height = 25     caption = 'clear'     taborder = 6     onclick = button2click   end   object button3: tbutton     left = 360     top = 256     width = 75     height = 25     caption = 'test 2'     taborder = 7     onclick = button3click   end end 


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