Grails Spring Security Rest - 403 Forbidden -

so started learning grails, , trying incorporate spring security rest plugin app, plugin installed in addition spring security core working. in rest client, when hit "api/login" able access token , says have role of "role_admin", when try hit using that, keep getting 403 forbidden. in postman, rest client using, have authorization header "bearer {key}", url of "http://localhost:8080/test/api/secret" , gives 403 error. trying setup log4j logging see other issues, know should into, appreciated. provided classes below if helps, used default values such urlmappings.


package test  import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.secured  @secured(['is_authenticated_anonymously']) class mycontroller {      @secured(['role_admin'])     def secret() {         render "you have access!!!"     } } 


class bootstrap {  def init = { servletcontext ->      def adminrole = new secrole(authority: 'role_admin').save(flush: true)      def testuser = new secuser(username: 'bob', password: 'test') true)      secusersecrole.create testuser, adminrole, true } def destroy = { } } 


class urlmappings {  static mappings = {     "/$controller/$action?/$id?(.$format)?"{         constraints {             // apply constraints here         }     }      "/api/$controller/$action?/$id?(.$format)?"{ constraints { // apply constraints here     } }      "/"(view:"/index")     "500"(view:'/error')    } } 

for can see code posted, if invoke url http://localhost:8080/test/api/secret, should execute default action (maybe index) in secretcontroller controller posted called mycontroller.

to investigate further, should enable more verbose logging using log4j configuration suggested in doc


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