android - Application crashes when scrolling listview up or down if listAdapter is notified while scrolling and crashes after about 20 seconds without scrolling -
i have listview customlistadapter. updating arraylist new data using handler runs asynktask every 6 seconds , calling notifydatasetchanged() on oppostexcute(). data shown in listview , updated , ok. if scroll listview or down, application crashes.
these global variables:
listview lv1; swiperefreshlayout mswiperefreshlayout; posttask posttask = new posttask(); stockquotelistadapter stockquotelistadapter; arraylist<stockquote> stockslist=new arraylist<stockquote>();
and activity oncreate:
public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) { result = inflater.inflate(r.layout.indeces_fragment,container,false); mswiperefreshlayout = (swiperefreshlayout) result.findviewbyid(; lv1 = (listview) result.findviewbyid(; stockquotelistadapter = new stockquotelistadapter(result.getcontext(), stockslist); lv1.setadapter(stockquotelistadapter); mswiperefreshlayout.setcolorschemeresources(,,; mswiperefreshlayout.setonrefreshlistener(new swiperefreshlayout.onrefreshlistener() { @override public void onrefresh() { //mswiperefreshlayout.setrefreshing(false); } }); usehandler(); return result; }
and handler runs asynctask every 6 seconds:
handler mhandler; public void usehandler() { mhandler = new handler(); mhandler.postdelayed(mrunnable, 2000); } private runnable mrunnable = new runnable() { @override public void run() { try { new posttask().execute(); mhandler.postdelayed(mrunnable, 6000); } catch (exception ex) { ex.printstacktrace(); } } };
this asynctask:
private class posttask extends asynctask<void, void, arraylist<stockquote>> { @override protected void onpreexecute() { super.onpreexecute(); } @override protected arraylist<stockquote> doinbackground(void... params) { stockslist.clear(); ....some json parsing here return stockslist; } }catch (exception ex) { ex.printstacktrace(); } return null; } @override protected void onpostexecute(arraylist<stockquote> stockslist) { super.onpostexecute(stockslist); stockquotelistadapter.notifydatasetchanged(); }
am doing wrong since im new android.
on: invalid index 8, size 0 @ java.util.arraylist.throwindexoutofboundsexception( @ java.util.arraylist.get( @ @ android.widget.abslistview.obtainview( @ android.widget.listview.makeandaddview( @ android.widget.listview.filldown( @ android.widget.listview.fillgap( @ android.widget.abslistview.trackmotionscroll( @ android.widget.abslistview.scrollifneeded( @ android.widget.abslistview.ontouchmove( @ android.widget.abslistview.ontouchevent( @ android.view.view.dispatchtouchevent( @ android.view.viewgroup.dispatchtransformedtouchevent( @ android.view.viewgroup.dispatchtouchevent(
you're getting concurrentmodificationexception because have 2 threads accessing stockslist
. doinbackground
running on separate thread, , adding data list @ exact same time adapter reading it.
the solution not share arraylist. in doinbackground
, should create new arraylist contains new data json. then, in onpostexecute
(which gets called on main thread) call stockslist.clear()
, add parameter stockslist
(which should rename result
avoid confusion) this.stockslist
before calling notifydatasetchanged()
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