angular ui router - Resolve data not being found in controller AngularJS -
suppose have 1 route:
angular.module('liveapp', ['ui.router', 'liveapp.main', 'liveapp.artist', 'liveapp.signup', 'liveapp.factory', '' ]) .config(function($urlrouterprovider, $stateprovider) { $stateprovider.state("home", { url:"/", templateurl : '/home.html', controller : 'mainctrl', resolve: { artists: function () { console.log('resolved') return "i want in controller"; } } }) })
prior instantiation of mainctrl want function bound artists run. in controller have following setup:
angular.module('liveapp.main',['liveapp.factory']) .controller('mainctrl', ['$rootscope','$scope','$http', '$location','datafactory','artists', mainctrl]) function mainctrl($rootscope,$scope,$http,$location,datafactory,artists){ console.log(artists) //expect return resolve in ui.router }
when console logging artists evaluated undefined. have idea why is?
were using ui-view? if yes should not have ng-controller mainctrl. have made minor tweaks , code works fine
angular.module('liveapp', ['ui.router', 'liveapp.main']) .config(function($urlrouterprovider, $stateprovider) { $stateprovider.state("home", { url:"/", templateurl : 'home.html', controller : 'mainctrl', resolve: { artists: function () { console.log('resolved'); return "i want in controller"; } } }); }); angular.module('liveapp.main',[]) .controller('mainctrl', ['$rootscope','$scope','$http', '$location', 'artists', mainctrl]); function mainctrl($rootscope,$scope,$http,$location, artists){ console.log(artists); //expect return resolve in ui.router }
<!doctype html> <html lang="en" ng-app="liveapp"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <div ui-view></div> <script type="text/ng-template" id="home.html"> lorem ipsum </script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="index.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>
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