angularjs - Console error, not sure way -

i getting error.. not sure what's problem..

typeerror: statisticsservice.getstatisticsfromserver not function

i cant seem see problem, not sure i'm doing wrong

this controller

app.controller('statisticsctrl',         ['$scope',           '$auth',           'statisticsservice',            function ($scope, $auth, statisticsservice) {                 var token = $auth.gettoken();                 console.log('statisticsctrl init');                  function run() {                     var data = {                          token: token,                         timestamp_from: moment(new date()).unix()-30 * 24 * 3600,                         timestamp_till: moment(new date()).unix(),                         order: 'duration_minutes',                         limit: 20                     };  //                                            statisticsservice.getstatisticsfromserver(data).then(function (response) {                          console.log('syncstatistics', (response));                                  $scope.statistics = response;                                 // $scope.statistics = statisticsservice.buildstatsusers(;  //  jason comes here                            }, function (error) {                         console.error(error);                         });                 }               run();          }]); 

this server

app.service('statisticsservice',         ['apiclient', '$q', '$rootscope', '$timeout',             function (apiclient, $q, $rootscope, $timeout) {                  var self = this;                  self.getuserprofiles = function (stats) {                      var emails = [];                      (var = 0; < stats.length; i++) {                         emails.push(stats[i].email);                     }                      console.log(emails);                      var data2 = {                         token: data.token,                         profile_emails: emails                     };                      apiclient.getuserprofiles(data2).then(function (response2) {                          console.log('getuserprofiles', (response2));                          if ( === 0 || response2.result !== "success") {                             // todo: show error                             deferred.reject(response2);                         }                          var stats2=;                          deferred.resolve(stats);//3                      }                     );                       self.getstatisticsfromserver = function (data) {                          var deferred = $q.defer(); //1                           apiclient.getstatstopmeeters(data)                                  .then(function (response) { //2                                      console.log('externalapiconnect', response);                                       if ( === 0 || response.result !== "success") {                                         // todo: show error                                         deferred.reject(response);                                     }                                      var stats =;                                      stats = self.getuserprofiles(stats);                                      deferred.resolve(stats);//3                                 }                                 , function (error) {                                     deferred.reject(error);                                     console.error(error);                                 });                          return deferred.promise; //4                      };                 };             }]); 

you're defining self.getstatisticsfromserver inside function self.getuserprofiles. so, function indeed doesn't exist in service until call getuserprofiles() @ least once. , it's replaced @ each invocation. doubt that's want.


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