security - odoo[v8] rules for groups -

i have boolean field 'classified' on sale order , idea users in group created 'classified quotations' can see records on tree view in classified true . created 2 rules , have no idea why doesn't work. here code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <openerp>    <data>        <record id="sale_order_rule_group_classified_quotations" model="ir.rule">          <field name="name">sale_order_rule_group_classified_quotations</field>          <field name="model_id" search="[('model','=','sale.order')]" model="ir.model"/>             <field name="groups" eval="[(4,ref('group_classified_quotations'))]"/>          <field name="domain_force">['|',('classified','=',true),('classified','=',false)]</field>       </record>           <record id="sale_order_rule_no_group" model="ir.rule">          <field name="name">sale_order_rule_no_group</field>          <field name="model_id" search="[('model','=','sale.order')]" model="ir.model"/>             <field name="groups" eval="[(4,ref('base.group_user'))]"/>          <field name="domain_force">[('classified','=',false)]</field>       </record>     </data> </openerp>  

what doing wrong?

you didn't tell how not work (or how behaves now). if want allow see records on rule, should use instead on domain_force: [(1,'=',1)], means records , don't need make true or false checking. try if works.


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