tomcat - Session handling in grails app -

i'm doing simple login follows

    def login() {           session.auth = true           redirect(uri: request.getheader('referer'))     }     <g:form controller="login" action="login">           <input type="password" placeholder="password" name="password">           <button type="submit">submit</button>    </g:form> 

when submitting user gets logged in session created if page refreshed authentication lost (when deployed tomcat 7).

now test seems fail after page refresh

<g:if test="${session.auth}"> 

everything works fine when builing eclipse breaks down in tomcat.

does know how can fix this? prefer not add additional security plugins app. can done cookies or other way?

related issue grails 2.1.0 app tomcat 7.0.22 session empty after redirect

*i know it's not secure in way, temporary solution mimic logging.


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