python - Render Input & Label tags at the same DOM level with Django ChoiceInput -

the default django choiceinput outputs <input> within <label> tag & i've been asked output them @ same level in dom have written custom renderer.

the field isn't rendering safe html in browser i'm seeing field label, raw html choices.

i've looked on choicefieldrenderer i'm inheriting & it's render function returns mark_safe() string, why field render raw html?

my form field declared so;

class signupform(forms.modelform):     my_field = forms.nullbooleanfield(         widget=forms.widgets.radioselect(             choices=field_choices,             renderer=myradiofieldrenderer         ),         required=true,         initial=true     ) 

and custom renderer;

class mychoiceinput(forms.widgets.choiceinput):      def render(self, name=none, value=none, attrs=none, choices=()):         if self.id_for_label:             label_for = format_html(' for="{0}"', self.id_for_label)         else:             label_for = ''         return format_html(             '{0}<label{1}>{2}</label>', self.tag(), label_for, self.choice_label         )   class radiochoiceinput(mychoiceinput):     input_type = 'radio'      def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):         super(radiochoiceinput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)         self.value = force_text(self.value)   class myradiofieldrenderer(forms.widgets.choicefieldrenderer):     choice_input_class = radiochoiceinput 


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