web api - WebApi 2 and OData controller - cast exception during route configuration, GetEdmModel not understood -

i have controller i've built (extending system.web.http.odata.odatacontroller) , think it's going work fine - it's based on pure scaffolding provided visual studio ide.

the application build, but, errors out during application start-up. when goes perform initial route configuration, fails on last line of webapiconfig class in app_start folder - call config.mapodataserviceroute throws invalidcastexception because value of builder.getedmmodel() isn't understood:

imports system.web.http imports system.web.http.cors imports system.web.http.odata.builder imports system.web.odata.extensions  public class webapiconfig     public shared sub register(byval config httpconfiguration)     ' web api configuration , services      'enable cross orgin scripting 'cors'     dim cors = new enablecorsattribute("*", "*", "*")     config.enablecors(cors)      ' web api routes     config.maphttpattributeroutes()      config.routes.maphttproute(         name:="defaultapi",         routetemplate:="api/{controller}/{id}",         defaults:=new {.id = routeparameter.optional}     )       dim builder new odataconventionmodelbuilder     builder.entityset(of businessorder)("businessorder")     config.mapodataserviceroute("odata", nothing, builder.getedmmodel())     end sub end class 

here's specific language of invalidcastexception:

unable cast object of type '' type 'microsoft.odata.edm.iedmmodel'. 

hmmm.. docs odataconventionmodelbuilder , mapodataserviceroute seem indicate i'm dealing compatible types. if read error right, i'm getting instance of call getedmmodel, think ought conformant iedmmodel interface, per docs.

here's web application's nuget packages.config - helps understand libraries being referenced web app:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <packages>   <package id="antlr" version="" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="entityframework" version="6.1.3" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="jquery" version="1.10.2" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="jquery.ui.combined" version="1.11.4" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="jquery.validation" version="1.11.1" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="knockoutjs" version="2.3.0" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.cors" version="5.2.3" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.mvc" version="5.2.3" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.odata" version="5.6.0" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.razor" version="3.2.3" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.web.optimization" version="1.1.3" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.webapi.client" version="5.2.3" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.webapi.core" version="5.2.3" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.webapi.cors" version="5.2.3" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.webapi.odata" version="5.5.1" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.aspnet.webpages" version="3.2.3" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="" version="5.6.0" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="" version="5.6.0" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.odata.core" version="6.11.0" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.odata.edm" version="6.11.0" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.spatial" version="6.11.0" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="microsoft.web.infrastructure" version="" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="modernizr" version="2.6.2" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="newtonsoft.json" version="6.0.8" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="system.spatial" version="5.6.0" targetframework="net45" />   <package id="webgrease" version="1.5.2" targetframework="net45" /> </packages> 

you mixing versions of odata. namespace system.web.http.odata v3 , namespace system.web.odata v4.

imports system.web.http.odata.builder imports system.web.odata.extensions  

i don't know version trying use should consistent. try changing both http

imports system.web.http.odata.builder imports system.web.http.odata.extensions  

or both not have http

imports system.web.odata.builder imports system.web.odata.extensions  


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