c# - InternalsVisibleTo attribute ignored when compiling solution via Roslyn -

so developing roslyn-based frontend compiler parses c# solution, performs rewriting on syntax trees desugar constructs of dsl, , uses roslyn apis compile , emit executables/dlls. last part, given compilation, done (some details omitted clarity):

var compilation = project.getcompilationasync().result;  var compilationoptions = new csharpcompilationoptions(outputkind,   compilation.options.modulename, compilation.options.maintypename,   compilation.options.scriptclassname, null,   compilation.options.optimizationlevel, compilation.options.checkoverflow,    false, compilation.options.cryptokeycontainer,    compilation.options.cryptokeyfile, compilation.options.cryptopublickey,    compilation.options.delaysign, platform.anycpu,    compilation.options.generaldiagnosticoption,    compilation.options.warninglevel,   compilation.options.specificdiagnosticoptions,   compilation.options.concurrentbuild,    compilation.options.xmlreferenceresolver,   compilation.options.sourcereferenceresolver,   compilation.options.metadatareferenceresolver,   compilation.options.assemblyidentitycomparer,   compilation.options.strongnameprovider);  var targetcompilation = csharpcompilation.create(assemblyfilename,   compilation.syntaxtrees, compilation.references,   compilationoptions);  emitresult emitresult = null; using (var outputfile = new filestream(filename, filemode.create, fileaccess.write)) {   emitresult = targetcompilation.emit(outputfile);   if (emitresult.success)   {     return filename;   } } 

so works fine, until tried compile solution project declares internal classes/fields, , uses [assembly: internalsvisibleto("...")] attribute (in assemblyinfo.cs file) give visibility of these internals project b.

directly compiling using visual studio works fine , allows b see these internal declarations of a. however, when try compile through tool using roslyn apis, internalsvisibleto attribute ignored, , getting errors, such as:

error cs0122: ... inaccessible due protection level

which means internalsvisibleto not picked up.

i expecting roslyn automatically pick parsed project info, wondering if have enable specific compilation option or add information manually?

i have looked around cannot find similar question or answer, unless missing something. can give more information if required. thanks!


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