ios - Remove separator line for only one cell -

i'm trying remove separator 1 uitableviewcell. did following:

- (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     uitableviewcell *cell;     cell = [super tableview:tableview cellforrowatindexpath:indexpath];      if (indexpath.row == 1)         cell.separatorinset = uiedgeinsetszero;      return cell; } 

(it's static cells.) when run app. separator line still there. how can remove separator line 1 cell?

on ios 8 need use:

cell.layoutmargins = uiedgeinsetszero 

if want compatible ios 7 should following:

if ([cell respondstoselector:@selector(setseparatorinset:)]) {     [cell setseparatorinset:uiedgeinsetszero]; }  if ([cell respondstoselector:@selector(setlayoutmargins:)]) {     [cell setlayoutmargins:uiedgeinsetszero]; } 

add: if previous didn't work - use this. (from answer below)

 cell.separatorinset = uiedgeinsetsmake(0, 1000, 0, 0); 


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