sql server 2008 - how to verify DPFP finger print from MS SQL in C# -
i have saved dpfp template in varbinary(max), retireivng database , converting in byte[] deserilizing it, , putting in verify() method, error occcruing exception hresult: 0xfffffff8
how getting data given below
sqlconnection cn = new sqlconnection(@"data source=windows\me;initial catalog=enroll;persist security info=true;user id=sa ; password=sa123"); cn.open(); sqldataadapter adp = new sqldataadapter("select varb employee employeeid='127'", cn); datatable dt = new datatable(); adp.fill(dt); bytes= convertdatasettobytearray(dt); template = new dpfp.template(); template.deserialize(bytes); <b>verificator.verify(features, template, ref result);</b> updatestatus(result.farachieved); if (result.verified) makereport("the fingerprint verified."); else makereport("the fingerprint not verified.");
this verify() not verifying data coming db>
where doing mistake? in conversion? or in not getting data properly?
convertdatasettobytearray() method should excluded system.byte
in datable convert in byte[]
foreach (datarow row in dt.rows) { bytes = (byte[])row["varb"]; }
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