unix - How to create multiple directories in a fortran program -
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i trying design fortran77 program creates 17 directories in unix various other things, creating directories has been biggest problem that's i'd focus on @ moment.
for example:
do i=1,17 cmd="mkdir" ,i call system(cmd) call chdir("i") end
from portion of code want command "mkdir" create 17 separate directories in unix named 1-17, when try compile program error says "invalid radix specifier" focusing on second line of code listed.
another error produced focusing on same line of code. "concatenation operator @ (^) must operate on 2 sub expressions of character type, sub expression @ (^) not of character type.
is there way convert integers strings?
all appreciated thanks.
to answer 1 of questions, can convert integer string writing it. consider example code:
program main integer :: character(len=80) :: cmd i=1,4 write(cmd,'(a,i0.2)') 'mkdir directory_', write(*,*) 'calling "', trim(cmd), '"' call system(cmd) enddo end program main
which gives output
mach5% pgfortran main.f90; ./a.out calling "mkdir directory_01" calling "mkdir directory_02" calling "mkdir directory_03" calling "mkdir directory_04" mach5% ls total 860 -rwx------ 1 chaud106 806765 jul 1 15:37 a.out* drwx------ 2 chaud106 4096 jul 1 15:37 directory_01/ drwx------ 2 chaud106 4096 jul 1 15:37 directory_02/ drwx------ 2 chaud106 4096 jul 1 15:37 directory_03/ drwx------ 2 chaud106 4096 jul 1 15:37 directory_04/ -rw------- 1 chaud106 195 jul 1 15:37 main.f90
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