Why does performance of this batch insert degrade in MySQL? -

i'm looking understanding why insert query gets slower table size grows.

the query batch insert of 1k rows. batch mean multiple 'values' rows described in this answer.

there longblob field in table. typical size of blob field data rather small @ around 2kb (but can larger).

the image shows results of show profile query when inserting empty table vs inserting table had 1 million rows. fk tables empty in both cases.

enter image description here

table structure (column names changed anonymity):

create table `mytable` (  `modifiedtime` datetime default null,  `column1` varchar(255) default null,  `column2` varchar(255) default null,  `column3` varchar(128) default null,  `column4` decimal(20,5) not null,  `column5` varchar(128) default null,  `column6` varchar(255) default null,  `id` varchar(128) not null,  `creationtime` datetime default null,  `version` decimal(20,5) default null,  `status` varchar(255) default null,  `column7` varchar(128) default null,  `column8` varchar(128) default null,  `schemaless_attrs` longblob,  primary key (`id`),  unique key `ak_mytable` (`column4`,`column8`),  key `fk_mytable_column3` (`column3`),  key `fk_mytable_column5` (`column5`),  key `idx_managedbasedataitem_column1` (`column1`),  key `idx_mytable_column3` (`column3`),  key `idx_mytable_column4` (`column4`),  key `idx_mytable_status` (`status`) ) engine=innodb default charset=latin1; 

the query below typical example. note: in real query there 1000 rows of 'values'.

insert `mytable` (`creationtime`, `modifiedtime`, `column8`,  `column5`, `column1`, `schemaless_attrs`, `version`, `column3`,  `column6`, `column2`, `column4`, `status`, `column7`, `id`)  values ('2015-07-01 14:47:41.259', '2015-07-01 14:47:41.259',  'single', 'single|myapp|0', 'myproduct',  _binary'a serialized java ojbect around 2k in size',  0, 'single|column3|cfd3229a-b424-41cc-b140-08cd92241064',  null, 'en', 1000001, 'pending', 'managedappentity',  'single|managedappentity|b095c316-293b-4a28-9a18-5422dd66eadd') 

important notes:

  • we have app makes nearly same insert query same table structure. insert time never degrades other app tables grows.
  • since other app uses same exact mysql db, same table (with exception of 'version' field new), , and same insert query i'd prefer not focus on db config such 'innodb_buffer_pool_size', indexes, moving blog table, etc.
  • while there surely room improvement in db config, other app not showing slowdowns. i'm trying achieve similar performance same db config.

related questions:

  • i have asked 2 related questions around problem. clear, i'm not trying spam questions around topic i've had hard time pinning down whether slowdown coming app or db. seems specific question so. anyhow, other questions are:
    • question #1: (perhaps naive) question around whether column order makes difference when inserting blobs. comments on q indicate "no".
    • question #2: question focused more on dev stack app in question.


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