Facebook PHP SDK 4 get id of fan page calling tab app -

i have facebook tab app installed in multiple fan pages, must show different results. tried query strings, know, tab link can´t have custom vars.

my idea id of current fan page calling tab app, , pass variable define different results.

i tried facebook php sdk 4:

define('facebook_sdk_v4_src_dir', 'src/facebook/'); require 'autoload.php';  use facebook\facebooksession; use facebook\facebookpagetabhelper;  facebooksession::setdefaultapplication('xxx', 'xxx');  $canvashelper = new facebookpagetabhelper(); var_dump( $canvashelper ); 

but get:

protected 'pagedata' => null protected 'signedrequest' => null 

any ideas?

solution: after hours of work , returning fb sdk 3, found this: facebook iframe tab signed request empty "after changing "tab url" 'tab/index.php", signed request started show in app tab!" works, sdk 4!


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