java - Want to randomly choose word from text file and instead printing everything from text file -
i want compiler randomly
choose word text instead of printing text file. right code below printing text file. think there wrong getword
method because when call getword
method main function error
public class textfile { protected static scanner file; protected static list<string> words; public textfile(){ words = openfile(); } private list<string> openfile() { //list<string> wordlist = new arraylist<string>(); try { file = new scanner(new file("words.txt")); } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { system.out.println("file not found"); } catch (exception e) { system.out.println("ioexception"); } return words; } public void readfile() throws filenotfoundexception { //arraylist<string> wordlist = new arraylist<string>(); while(file.hasnext()){ string = file.nextline(); //collections.shuffle(words); //string pickword = words.get(1); //string[] = system.out.println(a); } } public void closefile() { file.close(); } public string getword() { random r = new random(words.size()); string randomword = words.get(r.nextint()); //system.out.println(randomword); return randomword; } public static void main(string[] args) throws filenotfoundexception { try { textfile file = new textfile(); file.openfile(); file.readfile(); file.closefile(); } catch (exception e) { system.out.println("ioexception"); } } }
in openfile method retuning "word" variable null assign value variable
the error coming {getword();} because accessing properties of null variable error
public list<string> readfile() throws filenotfoundexception { while(file.hasnext()){ string = file.nextline(); words.add(a); system.out.println(a); } return words; }
inside open file method @ return statement line call "return readfile();" , try ur code\
no need call readfile method inside main method
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