javascript - Protractor - Returning pending promise when functioned out -
i trying create function comb through array of elements , return first instance of 1 meets criteria.
this have inside test does work:
element.all(by.css('_cssselector_')).filter(function(elms, index) { return elms.getattribute('height').then(function(height) { return parseint(height) > 0; }); }).then(function(validelms) { browser.actions().mousemove(validelms[0]).perform(); }
...but if function out, does not work:
getvalidelm = function() { var validelm = element.all(by.css('_cssselector_')).filter(function (elms, index) { return elms.getattribute('height').then(function (height) { return parseint(height) > 0; }); }).then(function (validelms) { return validelms[0]; }); return validelm; }
if run:
var validelmfrompage = getvalidelm(); console.log(validelmfrompage);
i get: promise::2046 {[[promisestatus]]: "pending"}
which points issue of inside function not resolving before var outside function being used. after reading (extensively) through posts here, , wonderful blog post (, still can't figure out deal is. know it's simple, controlflow related?
thanks help.
let function return promise. since filter()
returns elementarrayfinder
, should able use first()
getvalidelm = function() { return element.all(by.css('_cssselector_')).filter(function (elms, index) { return elms.getattribute('height').then(function (height) { return parseint(height) > 0; }); }).first(); }
return elementfinder
can pass mousemove()
var elm = getvalidelm(); browser.actions().mousemove(elm).perform();
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