Powershell remote execution with php exec function -

i trying run powershell command on remote computer with php script.

i have no trouble execution local powershell scripts. example, successful executed following code:

exec("powershell -command c:\wamp\www\pstest.ps1", $output, $return_var); 

output: "hello world", return code: 0

when execute following command prompt have no issues.

powershell -command invoke-command -computername computer.servername.local c:\wamp\www\pstest.ps1 

output: "hello world", return code: 0

however, when try execute same code within php script fails.

exec("powershell -command invoke-command -computername computer.servername.local c:\wamp\www\pstest.ps1", $output, $return_var); 

output: "", return code: 1

make sure account service running under has admin rights on target system. should fine if personal project @ home. may have rethink things if on corporate system.


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