Where does Visual Studio 2015 display error indicators in the solution? -

i checking out visual studio 2015 rc. visual studio 2015 display error indicators in solution? if in cs file compiles fine the solution has compile errors, how find out glancing @ ide without opening windows? looking similar r#'s solution wide analysis indicator or redgate's net demon bar (in vs 2013).

the exact thing you're looking isn't available in visual studio 2015 out of box. there's few options.

built in: error list

the error list has been enhanced, , it's more dynamic due roslyn, can see warnings & errors code (without having recompile).

you have more control on what's shown too; can filter entire solution, open documents, current project or current document, combinations of intellisense or build feedback:

enter image description here

if pin error list somewhere visible, of real-time feedback want.

productivity power tools extension

microsoft's productivity power tools extension visual studio has solution explorer errors feature gives visual feedback in solution explorer warnings , errors, @ levels (file, project, solution).

it's directly linked error list , options you've selected in there. it's real-time projection of error list onto solution explorer:

enter image description here

the page vs2013 version of extension has more information , pictures if want @ docs before making choice: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/dbcb8670-889e-4a54-a226-a48a15e4cace (it comes lot of other features, can disable else don't want)

other options

outside of in-built or microsoft options, have commerical resharper, , other extensions people make available. i'm big resharper fan, i'm not date other options right now.


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