javascript - Selecting options in angular-ui type ahead has no effect -

here html markup:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="typeaheadtemplate.html">     <span bind-html-unsafe="match.model.project_desc | typeaheadhighlight:query"></span> </script>  <div ng-show="commentmain.commenttype == 'project'" id="commentprojectother"                         class="btn-group animate-slide-vertical" style="margin-bottom: 7px; margin-left: 7px;">     <input type="text" ng-model="commentmain.project" placeholder="select name of project"                         typeahead-on-select="commentmain.comment.project_id = $model.project_id || null"                        typeahead="project projects in commentmain.getprojects($viewvalue)"                         typeahead-loading="loadingprojects"                        typeahead-template-url="typeaheadtemplate.html" class="form-control" /> </div> 

projects coming [{project_desc: 'blah', project_id: 1, ...other params}, etc.]

the api being accessed , options being populated type-ahead.

however, type ahead not letting me select of options. mean when hover on options, not turn blue , when select option not populate model (or type ahead textbox).

i think not turn blue because used own template typeahead, if want show project description in typeahead remove typeahead-template-url , change typeahead attribute to:

typeahead="project project.project_desc projects in commentmain.getprojects($viewvalue)" 

and on-select wrong too, should be:

typeahead-on-select="commentmain.comment.project_id = commentmain.project.project_id" 

because defined commentmain.project model , when select 1 project populated!


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