php 5.5 - Downgrade class php 5.6 to 5.5 -

i founded class stack object layers , closures server isnt running on php 5.6 yet. , wondering how can convert ...$parameters because cant fix replacing call_user_func_array() buildcoreclosure() method throw errors example because closure isnt array...

class stack {     /**      * method call on decoracted class.      *      * @var string      */      protected $method;      /**      * container.      */      protected $container;      /**      * middleware layers.      *      * @var array      */      protected $layers = [];      public function __construct(container $container = null, $method = null)     {         $this->container = $container ?: new container;         $this->method = $method ?: 'handle';     }      public function addlayer($class, $inner = true)     {         return $inner ? array_unshift($this->layers, $class) : array_push($this->layers, $class);     }      public function addinnerlayer($class)     {         return $this->addlayer($class);     }      public function addouterlayer($class)     {         return $this->addlayer($class, false);     }      protected function buildcoreclosure($object)     {         return function(...$arguments) use ($object)         {             $callable = $object instanceof closure ? $object : [$object, $this->method];              return $callable(...$arguments);         };     }      protected function buildlayerclosure($layer, closure $next)     {         return function(...$arguments) use ($layer, $next)         {             return $layer->execute(...array_merge($arguments, [$next]));         };     }       public function peel($object, array $parameters = [])     {         $next = $this->buildcoreclosure($object);          foreach($this->layers $layer)         {             $layer = $this->container->get($layer);              $next = $this->buildlayerclosure($layer, $next);         }          return $next(...$parameters);     } } 

by removing


in arguments list of each function , replacing following (early inside function)

$arguments = func_get_args(); 

you can achieve same value of arguments. arguments still passed func_get_args() when not defined in function's argument list.


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