r - Change label in ggpairs upper panel -

do know how change labels in upper panel in ggpairs (ggally package)? found how change size, font not label. here want shorten label ("set" pour setosa etc...). tried put in labels=c("set", "ver", "vir") or upper=list(params=list(size=8),labels=c("set", "ver", "vir")) doesn't work.

ggpairs(iris, columns=c(2:4), title="variable analysis", colour="species",         lower=list(params=list(size=2)), upper=list(params=list(size=8)))  

iris data ggpairs

conceptually same @mike's solution, in 1 line.

levels(iris$species) <- c("set", "ver", "vir") ggplairs(<...>) 

here's another, more flexible proposal if have many levels , not want abbreviate them hand: trim levels desired length.

levels(iris$species) <- strtrim(levels(iris$species), 3) ggplairs(<...>) 

and way, width parameter vectorized:

rm(iris) strtrim(levels(iris$species), c(1, 3, 5)) #[1] "s"     "ver"   "virgi" 


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