c++ - Please teach me how to make the template parameters of a following function -

i beginner of template. want make function template template parameters. me, complicated template template parameter. , cannot make it. someone, please let me know how can make it. thank much.

class vertex { };  main() {     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<vertex>*> vertexes_a, vertexes_b;     comparevector(&vertexes_a, &vertexes_b); }  /* made following template parameters. compiler cannot compile it.  * said template parameters invalid... must have stupid understanding.  * please ignore template parameters ,  * please teach me how make template parameters. */     template <typename elm, template<template<elm> class sharedptr, typename allocator=std::allocator<template<elm> class sharedptr> > class stl> bool comparevector(stl<std::shared_ptr<elm>>* org, stl<std::shared_ptr<elm>>* cmp) { } 

thank much.

maybe want this?

template <template <typename ...> class c, typename ...args> bool comparevector(c<args...> const * lhs, c<args...> const * rhs) {     // ... } 

if want work vectors:

template <typename t, typename a> bool comparevector(std::vector<t, a> const * lhs, std::vector<t, a> const * rhs); 

if want work arbitrary template classes first template argument template class 1 argument (but why):

template <template <typename ...> class c,           template <typename> class sp,           typename t,           typename args...> bool comparebizzare(c<sp<t>, args...> const * lhs, /* ... */); 

note none of desired function arguments specializations of template has template template parameters. standard library not contain templates take template template parameters (for now).


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