sql server - sql pivot table with strings -

i'm using sql 2008 , trying pivot data. sql fiddle

i have tried can't figure out. i'd take data , have appear this.

enter image description here

i put i've tried nothing run , can't both examid , score , pivot rest.

i've tried simple this

select * dbo.results pivot (max(answer) examid in ([19966], [19969]) ) p

but returns nulls. anyway great. shannon

you can use @bluefeet's answer, in order match expected output, need change sample data well:

create table results     (       examid int     , score int     , bank int     , answer char(1)     ); insert  results         ( examid, score, bank, answer ) values  ( 1, 70, 15, 'a' ),         ( 1, 70, 16, 'a' ),         ( 1, 70, 17, 'b' ),         ( 1, 70, 18, 'd' ),         ( 1, 70, 19, 'c' ),         ( 2, 81, 15, 'b' ),         ( 2, 81, 16, 'd' ),         ( 2, 81, 17, 'c' ),                 ( 2, 81, 18, 'c' ),         ( 2, 81, 19, 'c' ); 

pivot query:

select * results pivot (   max(answer)   bank in ([15], [16], [17], [18], [19]) ) piv 

sql fiddle demo


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