python - set axis limits on individual facets of seaborn facetgrid -

i'm trying set x-axis limits different values each facet seaborn facetgrid distplot. understand can access axes within subplots through g.axes, i've tried iterate on them , set xlim with:

g = sns.facetgrid(mapping, col=options.facetcol, row=options.facetrow, col_order=sorted(cols), g =, options.axis)     i, ax in enumerate(g.axes.flat): # set every-other axis testing purposes         if % 2 == 0[enter link description here][1]:             ax.set_xlim(-400,500)         else:             ax.set_xlim(-200,200) 

however, when this, axes set (-200, 200) not every other facet.

what doing wrong?

mwaskom had solution; posting here completeness - had change following line to:

g = sns.facetgrid(mapping, col=options.facetcol, row=options.facetrow, col_order=sorted(cols),, sharex=false) 


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