apache spark - Scala:case class runTime Error -

this demo ran ok. when move class function(my former project) , call function, compiles failure.

     object dfmain {          case class person(name: string, age: double, t:string)          def main (args: array[string]): unit = {          val sc = new sparkcontext("local", "scala word count")          val sqlcontext = new org.apache.spark.sql.sqlcontext(sc)          import sqlcontext.implicits._          val bsonrdd = sc.parallelize(("foo",1,"female")::                                         ("bar",2,"male")::                                      ("baz",-1,"female")::nil)                       .map(tuple=>{                     var bson = new basicbsonobject()                     bson.put("name","bfoo")                     bson.put("value",0.1)                     bson.put("t","female")                     (null,bson)                  })     val tdf = bsonrdd.map(_._2)               .map(f=>person(f.get("name").tostring,                    f.get("value").tostring.todouble,                    f.get("t").tostring)).todf()         tdf.limit(1).show()  } } 

'mysqldao.insertintomysql()' compile error

object mysqldao {      private val sc= new sparkcontext("local", "scala word count")      val sqlcontext = new org.apache.spark.sql.sqlcontext(sc)      import sqlcontext.implicits._       case class person(name: string, age: double, t:string)      def insertintomysql(): unit ={        val bsonrdd = sc.parallelize(("foo",1,"female")::                                      ("bar",2,"male")::                                      ("baz",-1,"female")::nil)                        .map(tuple=>{                val bson = new basicbsonobject()                bson.put("name","bfoo")                bson.put("value",0.1)                bson.put("t","female")                (null,bson)          })  val tdf = bsonrdd.map(_._2).map( f=> person(f.get("name").tostring,                                            f.get("value").tostring.todouble,                                             f.get("t").tostring)).todf()     tdf.limit(1).show()   } }  

will, when call 'mysqldao.insertintomysql()' gets error of

value typedproductiterator not member of object scala.runtim.scala.scalarunttime

case class person(name: string, age: double, t:string)

i suppose case class isn't seen in closure inside map function. move package level.

case class person(name: string, age: double, t:string) object mysqldao { ... } 


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