maven - Error when using groovy-eclipse-plugin and @Grab -

getting following error when running mvn clean compile on new system. works fine on local (windows) environment.

[error] failed execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project visa-threatintel: compilation failure: compilation failure: [error] /path/to/class.groovy:[2,2] 1. error in /path/to/class.groovy (at line 2) [error] @grab(group="javax.mail", module="mail", version="1.5.0-b01", type="jar"), [error] ^^^ [error] groovy:ambiguous method overloading method org.apache.ivy.core.settings.ivysettings#load. 

both local , new system use maven 3.2.5 , pom identical. relevant excerpts below:

<groovy.version>2.2.1</groovy.version> <ivy.version>2.4.0</ivy.version>    <build>     <plugins>             <plugin>                     <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>                     <artifactid>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactid>                     <version>3.1</version>                     <extensions>true</extensions>                     <configuration>                             <!-- -->                             <source>1.6</source>                             <target>1.6</target>                             <compilerid>groovy-eclipse-compiler</compilerid>                     </configuration>                     <dependencies>                             <dependency>                                     <groupid>org.codehaus.groovy</groupid>                                     <artifactid>groovy-eclipse-compiler</artifactid>                                     <version>2.9.0-01</version>                             </dependency>                             <!-- 2.2.1 version isn't available release, needs acquired                                     codehaus nexus repository -->                             <dependency>                                     <groupid>org.codehaus.groovy</groupid>                                     <artifactid>groovy-eclipse-batch</artifactid>                                     <version>${groovy.version}-01-snapshot</version>                             </dependency>                             <!-- allow @grab annotations -->                             <dependency>                                     <groupid>org.apache.ivy</groupid>                                     <artifactid>ivy</artifactid>                                     <version>${ivy.version}</version>                             </dependency>                     </dependencies>             </plugin>             <plugin>                     <groupid>org.codehaus.mojo</groupid>                     <artifactid>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactid>                     <version>1.9.1</version>                     <executions>                             <execution>                                     <id>add-source</id>                                     <phase>generate-sources</phase>                                     <goals>                                             <goal>add-source</goal>                                     </goals>                                     <configuration>                                             <sources>                                                     <source>src/main/groovy</source>                                             </sources>                                     </configuration>                             </execution> 

i tried changing groovy version 2.4.3 got same error. seen before?

having encountered similar issue, found had 2 issues:

maven deps failed download

a maven dependency (maven-assembly-plugin) had failed download.

deleting .lastupdated files in local m2 repository:

#> find ~/.m2/repository -name *.lastupdated ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/2.2-beta-5/maven-assembly-plugin-2.2-beta-5.pom.lastupdated  #> find ~/.m2/repository -name *.lastupdated -delete 

grapeconfig.xml & repository ssl certificate

also ~/.groovy/grapeconfig.xml file needs configured tell groovy pull dependencies - in case corporate nexus repository, meant had install https certificate in jre cacerts file.

how test

one suggestion test have set correctly call grape install on test dependency , give clearer sense of wrong (grape distributed part of groovy binaries, include on path, or qualify path):

grape install javax.mail mail 1.5.0-b01 


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