Passing C++ character array to Fortran -
i have been trying pass character array c++ fortran subroutine seems fortran not receive characters properly. have been searching web find solution proposed ideas seem complicated. interesting (and concise) solution proposed steve @ intel fortran forum cannot work in code. so, appreciate suggestion me out resolve issue.
the following function c++ routine makes call fortran subroutines:
extern "c" void __stdcall f_validate_xml(const char* buffer, int len); void cudmeditordoc::onvalidatexml() { cstring filename = "test.udm"; const char* buffer = filename.getbuffer(); int len = filename.getlength(); f_validate_xml(buffer, len); }
and here fortran subroutine supposed receive character array:
subroutine validate_xml(file_name, len) !dec$ attributes decorate, stdcall, alias:"f_validate_xml" :: validate_xml use xml_reader_structure use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: len character(len, kind=c_char), intent(in) :: file_name integer :: i = 1 end subroutine validate_xml
in debug mode , when program has stopped @ line (i = 1
), hover mouse on file_name
see contents watch window says cannot find file_name
symbol (although len
correctly passed). also, if watch file_name(1:8)
in watch window, still don't original character arrays. believe there wrong way pass parameters fortran chances watch window not correct.
i appreciate shed lights here. thanks
you fell trap caused saying (even on stack overflow in heavily upvoted answers) should use iso c binding construct interoperable subroutines.
that wrong, using iso_c_binding
module not make procedure interoperable , not change calling conventions.
the other, separate , equally important, feature in fortran 2003 c interoperability bind(c)
notice, steve lionel has in linked example. should have
subroutine validate_xml(file_name, len) bind(c, name="f_validate_xml")
the bind(c)
changes calling conventions in several subtle ways , largest difference character strings, pass length in hidden argument, not in interoperable procedures.
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