c++ - Make template function for nested container -

i'm trying make generic test function takes container such list, set or vector, , returns nested container: list of lists, set of sets, vector of vectors. non-generic functions this:

vector<vector<string>> test(vector<string>& in_container) {     vector<vector<string>> out_continer;      // out_continer filed using values in_container      return out_continer; }  list<list<int>> test(list<int>& in_container) {     list<list<int>> out_continer;      // out_continer filed using values in_container      return out_continer; }  set<set<float>> test(set<float>& in_container) {     set<set<float>> out_continer;      // out_continer filed using values in_container      return out_continer; } 

but dont know how make 1 template test function equivalent these separate test examples.

vector , list (and deque) have identical sets of template parameters , ordinary sequences, can cover them with

template <typename t, typename u, template <typename, typename> class c>   c<c<t, u>, std::allocator<c<t, u>>> test(c<t, u> &in) {   c<c<t, u>, std::allocator<c<t, u>>> out;   // fill here   return out; }  int main()  {   std::vector<int> v;   std::vector<std::vector<int>> vv = test(v);    std::list<int> l;   std::list<std::list<int>> ll = test(l); } 

(the code bit convoluted since have specify allocator type outer container explicitly, can improved.)

meanwhile set different kind of container (associative), require dedicated function anyway.


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