c# - System.ArgumentNullException in System.ni.dll - Xamarin IIF like VB.net -

answering own question couldn't find solution problem online.

error when running xamarin app using vs2013:

an exception of type 'system.argumentnullexception' occurred in system.ni.dll not handled in user code

it occurs on line:


loadapplication(new app()); 


uiapplication.main(args, null, "appdelegate"); 


loadapplication(new app()); 

you need make sure resources available, in case image missing:

icon = device.os == targetplatform.ios ? "slideout.png" : null; 

i thought image resource wasn't necessary because not targeting ios platform.

its reminiscent of vb.net's iif both sides evaluated (ie if statement not short-circuited).


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