ruby on rails - Active record "date" and "nationality" function giving me error. (Undefined method) -
i trying create profile page can input "born_on". using
class createwinemakers < activerecord::migration def change create_table :wine_makers |t| t.string :name :born_on t.text :nationality t.text :profile t.text :wine t.integer :wine_list_id t.timestamps end add_index :wine_makers, :wine_list_id end end
here view file.
<%= simple_form_for |f| %> <%= f.input :name %> <%= f.input :profile %> <%= f.input :wine %> <%= f.input :born_on %> <br/> <%= f.submit "create", :class => 'btn btn-primary' %> <% end %>
the "born_on" giving me error saying method not defined. confused since other inputs working except "born_on" , "nationality". before, "born_on" named "birth_date", , thought naming convention wrong , changed "born_on". here controller.
class winemakerscontroller < applicationcontroller def new @wine_maker = end def create @wine_maker = winemaker.create(wine_maker_params) redirect_to wine_list_path(@wine_list) end def show end private def wine_maker_params params.require(:wine_maker).permit(:name, :born_on, :nationality, :profile, :wine ) end end
this seems such easy question couldn't find similar problems..
thank you.
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