serialization - Casting Character to char and char to Character Java -

can please explain me why code working fine?

import*;  public class array {     public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception, classnotfoundexception {         fileoutputstream fo=new fileoutputstream("character.dat");         objectoutputstream oos=new objectoutputstream(fo);         fileinputstream fi=new fileinputstream("character.dat");         objectinputstream ois=new objectinputstream(fi);         character c = 'h';         oos.writeobject(c);         character arr = (char)ois.readobject();         system.out.println(arr);         fo.close();         fi.close();         oos.close();         ois.close();     } } 

in line 10, have created character , have serialized in line 11 , written file. in line 12, have deserialized object, returns reference of object, have downcast character. in line 12, downcasting char (which primitive data type , not class) , still working fine. why that?

i think cast object char , assignment character still working because of java's autoboxing going on behind scenes. link might explain more in depth.


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