Spring Cloud AWS SQS AccessDenied -

i having connection issue trying connect aws sqs queue using spring cloud , spring boot. believe have configured fine getting:

2015-07-01 18:12:11,926 [warn][-] org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.annotationconfigembeddedwebapplicationcontext[487] - exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt org.springframework.context.applicationcontextexception: failed start bean 'simplemessagelistenercontainer'; nested exception com.amazonaws.amazonserviceexception: access resource https://sqs.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/{number}/{queue name} denied. (service: amazonsqs; status code: 403; error code: accessdenied; request id: 87312428-ec0f-5990-9f69-6a269a041b4d)

@configuration @enablesqs public class cloudconfiguration {     private static final logger log = logger.getlogger(cloudconfiguration.class);      @messagemapping("queue")     public void retrieveprovisionmessages(user user) {         log.warn(user.firstname);     } } 


cloud:     aws:        credentials.accesskey: accesskey        credentials.secretkey: secretkey        region.static: us-west-2        credentials.instanceprofile: true 

when attempts connect see header value of:

aws4-hmac-sha256 credential=accesskey/20150701/us-west-2/sqs/aws4_request, signedheaders=host;user-agent;x-amz-date, signature=signature 

after request sent:

http/1.1 403 forbidden [server: server, date: wed, 01 jul 2015 22:51:25 gmt, content-type: text/xml, content-length: 349, connection: keep-alive, x-amzn-requestid: request id] org.apache.http.conn.basicmanagedentity@37e55df6 

i have checked aim policies , correct.


private amazonsqs establishqueue(){     amazonsqs sqs = new amazonsqsclient(new basicawscredentials(accesskey, secretkey));     sqs.setregion(regionutils.getregion(region));     return sqs; }       amazonsqs sqs = establishqueue();     return sqs.receivemessage(sqs.getqueueurl(userproductpurchase).getqueueurl()); 

with same credentials works fine. appreciated.


do have getqueueattributes calls allowed iam user?

i think it's using few more operations. not receivemessage , getqueueurl.


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