Unable to understand this concept of handlers in c++ -
i going through piece of code when came across new. tried write own code better understanding.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class material { public: material() { cout<<"material() called"<<endl; } bool test_func() { cout<<"hello world"<<endl; return true; } }; class server { private: material *mat; public: server() { cout<<"server() called"<<endl; } material *matrl() { return mat; } }; class handler { public: handler() { cout<<"handler() called"<<endl; } server svr; bool demo() { bool ret; ret=svr.matrl()->test_func(); return ret; } }; int main() { handler h; cout<<"returned demo():"<<h.demo()<<endl; return 0; }
even getting desired output, is:
server() called handler() called hello world returned demo():1
but not able understand concept here :
material *matrl() { return mat; }
and functionn call
how working , concept concept behind ? can me this???
you can avoid confusion if rewrite
material *matrl() { return mat; }
material* matrl() { return mat; }
both same. function returning pointer object of material type
since matr1()
returns pointer object need use -> member function.or
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