c# - EDMX database mapping two procedures to the same ComplexType -
i creating .edmx mvc project. have mapped 2 procedures returns movies information database.
the first procedure, getmoviesbyname, returns id , name. second procedure, getallmovies, returns id, name , createddate.
i both procedures returns data complextype called movie.
i instantiating mydbentities , trying use both procedures according condition in example below fails when variable islookingbyname
true following message:
a member of type, 'createddate', not have corresponding column in data reader same name.
var db = new mydbentities(); if(islookingbyname) { return db.getmoviesbyname(name).tolist(); } return db.getallmovies().tolist();
so whenever condition true throws exception. thing cant change first procedure add createddate
just let guys know in view display 3 information id, name , createddate. when createddate null not displayed , fine that.
someone knows how should proceed?
thank much!
the workaround use ado.net
using (sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection(connectionstring)) { connection.open(); using (sqlcommand command = new sqlcommand( "select id, name , createddate movies id= @id", connection)) { command.parameters.add(new sqlparameter("@id", id)); sqldatareader reader = command.executereader(); if(reader.hasrows()) { var id= reader["id"].tostring(); var name= reader["name"].tostring(); } } }
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