Java - Find maximum number of duplicates within an array -
i utilizing hashset
finding maximum number of duplicates of value in sorted integer
array. algorithm doesn't seem work, not returning desired results.
set variables storing number of duplicates found (0), , maximum number of duplicates (0). set hashset stores unique values of array. sort array ready comparison. loop through each value of array if hashset of unique values contains current value: increment duplicate count if currentvalue not equal previous value: if duplicatecount greater maximum count: maximumcount becomes duplicatecount reset duplicatecount 0
java code:
hashset<integer> uniquevalues = new hashset<integer>(valuesequencelist); int duplicatecount = 0; int maxcount = 0; arrays.sort(valuesequence); (int = 0; < valuesequence.length; i++) { if (uniquevalues.contains(valuesequence[i])) { duplicatecount++; } if (i > 0 && valuesequence[i] != valuesequence[i-1]) { if (duplicatecount > maxcount) { maxcount = duplicatecount; duplicatecount = 0; } } }
input: [4, 4, 10, 4, 10]
output: 4 duplicates (there supposed maximum of 3 duplicates - total number of values same).
this element distinctness problem - explained details in thread: find duplicates in array.
the mentiones thread discusses solutions problem, , shows lower bounds (cannot done better o(nlogn)
without using hash table.
so, if data not sorted - sort , iterate (as follows), or use hash set - , don't need sort array.
if first sort array, or array sorted, single iteration do:
single iteration on sorted array:
if (arr == null || arr.length == 0) return 0; int last = arr[0]; int numdupes = 1; (int = 1; < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == last) numdupes++; last = arr[i]; }
using hashset (no need sort):
if (arr == null) return 0; set<integer> set = new hashset<>(); int numdupes = 0; (int x : arr) { if (set.contains(x)) numdupes++; set.add(x); }
if looking maximal number element repeats (and not total number of repeats), can use same approach different:
hashing solution - use histogram:
map<integer,integer> histogram = new hashmap<>(); (int x : arr) { if (!histogram.containskey(x)) histogram.put(x,1); else histogram.put(x,histogram.get(x) + 1); } int max = 0; (int x : histogram.values) max = max > x ? max : x; return max;
sorted array solution:
if (arr == null || arr.length == 0) return 0; int last = arr[0]; int max = 0; int currnumdupes = 1; (int = 1; < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == last) currnumdupes++; else { max = max > currnumdupes ? max : currnumdupes; currnumdupes = 1; } last = arr[i]; } max = max > currnumdupes ? max : currnumdupes; //if dupes highest element
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