regex - Rewriting URLs within the webpage with a subdirectory -

i've setup reverse proxy , using mod_rewrite rewrite urls. issue i'm facing urls in webpage go

however, want go

i've tried bunch of rewrites none seem work.

    <virtualhost *:80> # servername directive sets request scheme, hostname , port # server uses identify itself. used when creating # redirection urls. in context of virtual hosts, servername # specifies hostname must appear in request's host: header # match virtual host. default virtual host (this file) # value not decisive used last resort host regardless. # however, must set further virtual host explicitly. #servername  serveradmin webmaster@localhost documentroot /var/www/html  # available loglevels: trace8, ..., trace1, debug, info, notice, warn, # error, crit, alert, emerg. # possible configure loglevel particular # modules, e.g. #loglevel info ssl:warn  errorlog ${apache_log_dir}/error.log customlog ${apache_log_dir}/access.log combined  # configuration files conf-available/, # enabled or disabled @ global level, possible # include line 1 particular virtual host. example # following line enables cgi configuration host # after has been globally disabled "a2disconf". #include conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf </virtualhost> <virtualhost *:*> proxypreservehost on  # servers proxy connection, or; # list of application servers: # usage: # proxypass / http://[ip addr.]:[port]/ # proxypassreverse / http://[ip addr.]:[port]/ # example: proxyrequests off  proxypass / proxypassreverse /  </virtualhost>  # vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet  <directory /var/www/>              allowoverride             order allow,deny             allow </directory>  <directory /var/www/html>              allowoverride             order allow,deny             allow </directory>    <virtualhost *:*>  # proxy specific settings  proxyrequests off   <proxy *>  adddefaultcharset off  order deny,allow  allow  </proxy>    servername     proxypassreverse    rewriteengine on    rewriterule ^blog.(.*)$$1 [p]  </virtualhost> 


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