What changed in Ruby? -
the following spec passes fine in ruby 2.1.5 fails in 2.2.0 , can't tell that's about:
# job.rb class job < activerecord::base validates :link, :url => true end # job_spec.rb require 'rails_helper' describe job describe "#create" ["blah", "http://", " "].each |bad_link| { should_not allow_value(bad_link).for(:link) } end end end
fail log looks this:
1) job#create should not allow link set "http://" failure/error: should_not allow_value(bad_link).for(:link) expected errors when link set "http://", got no errors # ./spec/models/job_spec.rb:14:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
i find way spec pass ruby 2.2.0 include validates_url gem in project!!
does know about?
maybe solution isn't ideal, works.
replace validates_url gem validates gem. has urlvalidator
(written me), tested.
gem 'validates' # in gemfile validates :link, :url => true # needn't change something. remove validates_url gemfile
p.s. it's strange way - test functionality of gem. functionality should tested in gem already.
p.p.s. i'm recommend move ruby 2.2.1
(or 2.2.2
) instead of 2.2.0
, because of 2.2.0
has lot of bugs
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