Crashlytics : Android Studio Gradle Error related to XML -
i getting error while building app crashlytics
error:(2) error parsing xml: prefix must not bound 1 of reserved >namespace names
there com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml added crashlytics automatically. mind file added module project inside main project . main project doesn't have file. use android studio plugin. has following content.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <resources > <!-- file automatically generated crashlytics uniquely identify individual builds of android application. not modify, delete, or commit source control! --> <string xmlns:ns0="" name="" ns0:ignore="unusedresources,typographydashes" translatable="false">0acfc26a-32c4-4a2e-b19b-fullkey</string> </resources>
while building following file generated. @ xmlns:ns0 turn xmlns:ns1 in generated ones
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources xmlns:ns1=""> <declare-styleable name="circleimageview"><attr format="dimension" name="border_width"/><attr format="color" name="border_color"/></declare-styleable> <!-- from: file:/c:/users/user/androidstudioprojects/project%20infinite/circleimage/src/main/res/values/strings.xml --> <eat-comment/> <string name="app_name">activity_entry_name</string> <!-- from: file:/c:/users/user/androidstudioprojects/project%20infinite/circleimage/src/main/res/values/com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml --> <eat-comment/> <string name="" ns1:ignore="unusedresources,typographydashes" translatable="false" ns1:ns0="">0acfc26a-32c4-4a2e-fullkey</string> </resources>
if delete file com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml , build runs successfully. file appear when clean build , problem persists.
mike fabric here.
we shipped out updated version of plugins has fix this. if update latest version set.
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