javascript - Form value not passing in angularjs -

here app.js, want send value of email file handler.php

$scope.doforget={email:''}; $scope.doforget = function (customer) {      //email = $; testing hardcoding value      email = '';'handler.php', {             email: email         }).then(function (results) {         console.log(results);          });      }; 

in inspect element -> networks can see form values {email: ""}

in handler.php use print values print_r($_post); , print_r($_get); getting empty array i.e.,

array ( ) 

how can values ?

update :

i tried 1

$scope.doforget={email:''}; $scope.doforget = function (email) {  email = '';'eloquent.php', {         email: email     }).then(function (results) {     console.log(results);     }); }; 

just use in angular's controller :

var emailnew = "";   $http({      method : 'post',      url : 'relative_path_to_demo.php',      data : {"email" : emailnew}   }) 

and in server php file. put code

$data = file_get_contents("php://input"); $objdata = json_decode($data);  $email = $objdata -> email; // email 


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