sql - Select top N from group records -

i need list frist record when price changed. using below example.

invoice table records (group customer price , sorted date)

index  customer date         price 01            may-01-2016  $12.00 02            may-11-2016  $12.00  03            may-21-2016  $13.00 04            may-22-2016  $13.00 05            may-23-2016  $13.00 06            may-24-2016  $13.00  07            jun-01-2016  $14.00 08            jun-11-2016  $14.00 09            jun-21-2016  $14.00 10            jun-25-2016  $14.00  11     b        may-02-2016  $12.50 12     b        may-12-2016  $12.50  13     b        may-22-2016  $13.50  14     b        may-24-2016  $13.80 15     b        may-26-2016  $13.80 16     b        may-28-2016  $13.80  17     b        jun-02-2016  $14.60 18     b        jun-12-2016  $14.60 19     b        jun-22-2016  $14.60 20     b        jun-26-2016  $14.60 

i need first record when price changed. result be:

01            may-01-2016  $12.00  03            may-21-2016  $13.00  07            jun-01-2016  $14.00  11     b        may-02-2016  $12.50  13     b        may-22-2016  $13.50  14     b        may-24-2016  $13.80  17     b        jun-02-2016  $14.60 

further query, can limited result latest 2 records each customer? result be:

03            may-21-2016  $13.00  07            jun-01-2016  $14.00  14     b        may-24-2016  $13.80  17     b        jun-02-2016  $14.60 

thank you.

;with cte ( select * ,    cast(substring([date], 5,2) + '-'                  + left([date] , 3)                  + '-' + right([date] ,4) date) datedt invoice) ,cte2  ( select *      ,row_number() on (partition price , customer order datedt asc) rn cte ) select [index] ,customer, [date] ,price cte2 rn = 1 order customer , datedt 

result set

╔═══════╦══════════╦═════════════╦═══════╗ ║ index ║ customer ║    date     ║ price ║ ╠═══════╬══════════╬═════════════╬═══════╣ ║    01 ║        ║ may-01-2016 ║ 12.00 ║ ║    03 ║        ║ may-21-2016 ║ 13.00 ║ ║    07 ║        ║ jun-01-2016 ║ 14.00 ║ ║    11 ║ b        ║ may-02-2016 ║ 12.50 ║ ║    13 ║ b        ║ may-22-2016 ║ 13.50 ║ ║    14 ║ b        ║ may-24-2016 ║ 13.80 ║ ║    17 ║ b        ║ jun-02-2016 ║ 14.60 ║ ╚═══════╩══════════╩═════════════╩═══════╝ 


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