c++ - What does `clang-check` do without `-analyze` option? -

clang-check, clang's built-in static analysis tool, has -analyze option, string says "run static analysis engine." flag, see little output running clang-check on several of files; without it, see lot of warnings.

isn't running static analysis engine main purpose of running clang-check, static analysis tool? why see less output when running engine, , tool without flag?

running clang-check without options runs -fsyntax-only mode (checking correct syntax). if specify -analyze, static analysis tool executed, see http://clang-analyzer.llvm.org/available_checks.html full list of executed checks.

  • note 1: can various other stuff clang-check, e.g. ast dumping.
  • note 2: cannot specify -fsyntax-only , -analyze @ same time.


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