jsf - Ajax call inside dataTable not working -

i trying make ajax call inside jsf datatable on checkobx value change. corresponding backing bean not getting fired.

when tried same thing outside datatable, ajax call getting invoked , sop's getting printed.

following code

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en" "http://www.w3.org/tr/html4/loose.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"     xmlns:h="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/html"     xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core"     >  <h:body>     <h:head></h:head>      <section class="box">       <h:form>          <f:event type="prerenderview" listener="#{adminaccounts.getappinfonew()}" />         <div class="row-fluid">             <div class="span7" style="">                 <span class="heading">manage accounts</span>             </div>         </div>     <!-- outside datatable ajax call working -->         <h:selectbooleancheckbox checked="checked"             value="#{adminaccounts.testvalue}">             <f:ajax listener="#{adminaccounts.changingtabvisiblity}"></f:ajax>         </h:selectbooleancheckbox>                        <h:datatable id="diagnosis_list_2"                         value="#{adminaccounts.appslist}" var="apps">                                  <h:column>                                    <f:facet name="header">position</f:facet>                      #{apps.appname}                 </h:column>                          <h:column>                             <f:facet name="header">campaign management</f:facet>  <!-- inside datatable ajax call not working -->                             <h:selectbooleancheckbox  checked="checked"                                 value="#{adminaccounts.testvalue}">                                 <f:ajax listener="#{adminaccounts.changingtabvisiblity}"></f:ajax>                             </h:selectbooleancheckbox>                            </h:column>                      </h:datatable>                </h:form>   </section>  </h:body> </html> 

also following bean class

@managedbean(name = "adminaccounts") @requestscoped public class adminaccounts {      private list<appdummylist> appslist = new arraylist<appdummylist>();     public boolean testvalue;     public boolean testvalue1;       public boolean istestvalue1() {         return testvalue1;     }      public void settestvalue1(boolean testvalue1) {         this.testvalue1 = testvalue1;     }      public boolean istestvalue() {         return testvalue;     }      public void settestvalue(boolean testvalue) {         this.testvalue = testvalue;     } public list<appdummylist> getappslist() {          return appslist;     }      public void setappslist(list<appdummylist> appslist) {         this.appslist = appslist;     }       public void getappinfonew() {         system.out.println("get info called");         appslist.add(new appdummylist("amazon"));         appslist.add(new appdummylist("bookmyshow"));         appslist.add(new appdummylist("flipkart"));         appslist.add(new appdummylist("foodpanda"));     }       public void changingtabvisiblity() {         system.out.println("value=" + testvalue);         system.out.println("value1=" + testvalue1);      }  } 

need on why ajax call not working inside datatable.


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