Multiple Grails Application + tomcat-slf4j-logback, how to get application name into logfile -
we deploying several grails (2.4.4) applications tomcat 7 server , have configured logging described here tomcat-slf4j-logback.
the desire configure grails applications via 1 logback.xml file log applications single file, discriminate log messages application name defined in grails'
#grails metadata file
our logback.xml appender looks this:
<appender name="file" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.rollingfileappender"> <file>${catalina.base}/logs/all.log</file> <append>true</append> <encoder> <charset>utf-8</charset> <pattern>%d [%x{appname:-null}] %-5level %logger : %msg%n</pattern> </encoder> ... </appender>
as can see pulling 'appname' mdc (mapped diagnostic context). placed there grails filter in grails plugin shared applications looks file. produces output in log file similar to:
13:34:18.796 [application-1] debug a.b.c.myclass : hello 13:34:18.797 [application-2] debug a.b.c.myclass : hello 13:34:18.798 [null] debug b.c.d.otherclass : no app name 13:34:18.798 [application-3] debug a.b.c.myclass : hello 13:34:18.799 [null] debug b.c.d.otherclass : no app name
this solution lacking due threadlocal nature of mdc. classes executing outside of request/response threads don't have access same mdc 'appname' , instead print '[null]'.
i have tried following in logback.xml
<property resource="" />
which supposed load classpath gives:
13:34:18.796 [app.name_is_undefined] debug a.b.c.myclass : hello
which think means logback can't find files (they packaged in web-inf\classes\ in each of wars)...
i've tried locally using logback.groovy ala:
// logback.groovy // read in grails def props = new properties() new file("").withinputstream { stream -> props.load(stream) } def slurper = new configslurper().parse(props) // application name. string grailsappname = appender("console", consoleappender) { encoder(patternlayoutencoder) { pattern = "%d [${grailsappname ?: 'application name not set'}] %-5level %logger - %msg%n"] }
and works, long set 'logback.configurationfile' point don't think replacing single logback.xml tomcat 7 server logback.groovy work (but next on list try)
other things i've tried
- using bootstrap.groovy access logback context , 'putting' '' context
- using bootstrap.groovy mdc.put('', ""application-1")
- i've read contextselectors , jndi contextselector interesting, don't want duplicate configurations, add property in each application can access appender pattern
any appreciated
steps configure:
add below line in grails-app/conf/application.yml or external application configuration file:
logging: config: "c:/application/config/logback.groovy" file: "app.log" path: "c:/application/logs"
put configuration file in above provided config path(in above e.g c:/application/config/logback.groovy):
import grails.util.buildsettings import grails.util.environment import ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.patternlayoutencoder import ch.qos.logback.core.consoleappender import ch.qos.logback.core.fileappender import static ch.qos.logback.classic.level.debug def targetdir = system.getproperty("log_path") def targetfile = system.getproperty("log_file") appender("file", fileappender) { file = "${targetdir}/${targetfile}" encoder(patternlayoutencoder) { pattern = "%date %level %logger - %msg%n" } } appender("stdout", consoleappender) { encoder(patternlayoutencoder) { pattern = "%msg%n" } } root(info, ["file", "stdout"])
all applications can point same configuration file following first step. so, logs generated according path , file specified in step 1.
system properties logging system takes care of creating you:
• ${pid} current process id. • ${log_file} if logging.file set in boot’s external configuration. • ${log_path} if logging.path set (representing directory log files live in). • ${log_exception_conversion_word} if logging.exception-conversion-word set in boot’s external configuration.
so can use them in logback.groovy file shown above system.getproperty("log_path").
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