php - Class 'App\Libs\Emotes' not found (Laravel & Blade) -

i'm having issue laravel (5), been long time since haven't touched laravel since versions of 4, , laravel 5 released boarded train , thought have go it, emote phraser.

basically over-all issue i'm having class "app\libs\emote not found" although think i've registered alias correctly us, prove me wrong.

<!doctype html> <html>     <head>         <title>laravel</title>          <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">          <style>             html, body {                 height: 100%;             }              body {                 margin: 0;                 padding: 0;                 width: 100%;                 display: table;                 font-weight: 100;                 font-family: 'lato';             }              .container {                 text-align: center;                 display: table-cell;                 vertical-align: middle;             }              .content {                 text-align: center;                 display: inline-block;             }              .title {                 font-size: 96px;             }         </style>     </head>     <body>         <div class="container">             {{                 emote::phraseemote()             }}             <div class="content">                 <div class="title">(flag:gb) (flag:us)</div>             </div>         </div>     </body> </html>   class;  <?php namespace libs\emotes;  class emotes {      public static function phraseemote($value) {         $config = config::get('emotes');          $smileys = $config['render_phrase'];          foreach($emotes $key => $val) {             //$value = str_replace($key, '<img src="' . $config['path'] . $smileys[$key][0] . '" width="' . $smileys[$key][1] . '" height="' . $smileys[$key][2] . '" alt="' . $smileys[$key][3] . '" style="border:0;" />', $value);             $value = str_replace($key, $emotes[$key][0], $value);         }          return $value;     } } ?>  config;  <?php return array(     'render_phrase'    => array(         '(flag:gb)' => array('<i class="gb flag" data-content="united kingdom" data-variation="tiny"></i>'),         '(flag:us)' => array('<i class="us flag" data-content="united states" data-variation="tiny"></i>'),         //'(flag:cn_code)' => array('<i class="cn_code flag" data-content="united states" data-variation="tiny"></i>'),     ) ); 

after seeing folder structure think might help.

the name space base directory (path) of class. so

namespace app\libs\emotelib

since class not extend class go now.

hope helped.


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