javascript - Disabling click event of Controls in Table Data -

i have list of controls in table data enclosed in div tag parent tag , want disable click events on power on , power off button . presently if click buttons request sent website iot . want disable click event on these 2 items .

here code looks :

<table class="pure-table pure-table-horizontal" style="width: 90%;">                     <thead>                     <tr>                         <th>#</th>                         <th>device name</th>                         <th>status</th>                         <th>temperature (&#176; c)</th>                         <th align="left">action</th>                     </tr>                     </thead>                      <tbody>                      <% devices.foreach(function(device, i){ %>                     <tr>                         <td><%= (i + 1) %></td>                         <td>                             <%= || device.macaddress %>                         </td>                         <td id="text_<%= %>">                             <% if (device.updateinprogress) { %>                             <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>                             <% } else if (device.powerstate == false) { %>                             <%= "powered off" %>                             <% } else if (device.startstate == true) { %>                             <%= "running" %>                             <% } else { %>                             <%= "not running" %>                             <% } %>                         </td>                         <td>                             <% if (device.updateinprogress){ %>                             n/a                             <% } else if (device.powerstate) { %>                             <div class="pure-g">                                 <div class="pure-u-1-4">                                     <%= device.temperature %>                                 </div>                                  <!--i tried commenting remove temperature edit icon single device-->                                  <!--<div class="pure-u-1-4">-->                                     <!--<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o" id="set_temp" data-value="<%= %>"></i>-->                                 <!--</div>-->                               </div>                             <% } else { %>                             n/a                             <% } %>                         </td>                         <td align="left">                             <a href='/user/startoff/<%= %>?boxid=<%= id %>'                                class="pure-button button-green <%= device.updateinprogress == true ? 'hidden' : device.powerstate == false ? 'hidden' : device.startstate == false ? 'hidden' : '' %>"                                type="button">start off</a>                              <a href='/user/starton/<%= %>?boxid=<%= id %>'                                class="pure-button button-green <%= device.updateinprogress == true ? 'hidden' : device.powerstate == false ? 'hidden' : device.startstate == true ? 'hidden' : '' %>"                                type="button">start on</a>                              <a href='/user/poweroff/<%= %>?boxid=<%= id %>'                                class="pure-button button-warning <%= device.updateinprogress == true ? 'hidden' : device.powerstate == true ? '' : 'hidden' %>"                                type="button">power off</a>                              <a href="/user/poweron/<%= %>?boxid=<%= id %>"                                class="pure-button <%= device.updateinprogress == true ? 'hidden' : device.powerstate == true ? 'hidden' : '' %>"                                type="button">power on</a>                              <a href="/user/deletedevice/<%= %>?boxid=<%= id %>"                                class="pure-button button-error pull-right <%= device.updateinprogress == true ? 'hidden' : '' %>"                                type="button ">                                 <i class="fa fa-times"></i>                             </a>                          </td>                     </tr>                     <% }) %>                      </tbody>                  </table> 

this running on node.js website .

also ideally how screen looks current code :

enter image description here

i want display same except click events on "power on" , "power off " should nothing .

what thought remove " " know making link or url active . not able fit code without .

please .

you can add class disabled on link. using either css or javascript disable links class:

<a href="/user/poweron/<%= %>?boxid=<%= id %>"  class="disabled pure-button <%= device.updateinprogress == true ? 'hidden' :device.powerstate == true ? 'hidden' : '' %>" type="button">power on</a>  <script>     $('body').on('click','a.disabled', function(e){        e.preventdefault();     }) </script>  <!-- or -->  <style>   a.disabled{     cursor: not-allowed;     pointer-events: none;    } </style> 

bear in mind browser compatibility css solution.


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