mongoose validate check database -

is possible have validation in mongoose checks database?

i need have this

var validemail = require('../helpers/validate/email'); var validdoctor = require('../helpers/validate/doctors'); var schema = mongoose.schema({   email: { type: string, validate: [validemail, "invalid email"],   doctor: {type: string, validate: [validdoctor, "invalid doctor"] } 

and validdoctor like:

module.exports = function (doctor) {   doctors.findone({email:doctor}, function (err, found) {     return (found); }); 

i have tried put scripts in pre , post hooks, , code getting sloppy. have have validation this

you need async validation accepts second argument callback function called either true or false denoting successful or failed validation respectively

module.exports = function (doctor, done) {   doctors.findone({email:doctor}, function (err, found) {     if(found) done(true);     else done(false); }); 


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