php - I am writing a script to embed Youtube or vimeo videos into magento product page -

youtube embed code has letters , vimeo embed code has numbers example v?cvxmbd5 , vimeo . writing script pull end of embed strings letters match top iframe , pull end of embed strings no letters match bottom iframe.

this script supposed embed videos video tab on product view page.

<?php $_product = $this->getproduct(); if ($_product->getvideo()) $videos = explode(', ', $_product->getvideo());  foreach ($videos $video) {  if (ctype_digit($video)) { echo "<iframe width = '560' height = '315' style = 'max-width:100%;' src = '" . $video . "' frameborder = '0' allowfullscreen></iframe>"; } else {     echo "<iframe width = '560' height = '315' style = 'max-width:100%;' src = '" . $video . "' frameborder = '0' allowfullscreen></iframe>";  } }  ?> 


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