Accessing Rails 4.2.3 with Ruby 1.9.3 gives Byebug error -

i've been trying use ruby 1.9.3 , set rails since i've been having error deploying rails when using ruby versions >= 2.0.

now, i've been running bundle install in cmd , gives me error:

gem::installerror: byebug requires ruby version >= 2.0.0. error occurred while installing byebug (5.0.0), , bundler cannot continue. make sure 'gem install byebug -v '5.0.0'' succeeds before bundling. 

i've manually installed , doesn't work well. i've been typing rails commands including rails -v , i've been getting error not find byebug.

how work around problem since i'm using ruby 1.9.3? there way me make ruby versions >= 2 work in windows 8?

since byebug supports v2.0.0 default

you can use older version of debugger tool rails debugger

gem install debugger should suffice.


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