Convert sRGB PDF to a different RGB color profile -

i have pdf srgb color profile, , convert different rgb color profile. far have tried use ghostscript various parameter values no luck--for example have attempted following:

gs                                      \ -dsafer                                 \ -dbatch                                 \ -dnopause                               \ -dnocache                               \ -sdevice=pdfwrite                       \ -scolorconversionstrategy=rgb           \ -dprocesscolormodel=/devicergb          \ -soutputiccprofile=/colorprofiles/custom/applergb.icc   \ -soutputfile=output.pdf                     \ input.pdf 

the command above runs without error leaves color space unaffected; output.pdf still has original srgb color profile embedded.

is such conversion possible ghostscript (or other tool can used programmatically)? if so, going wrong?


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